Hospital Stay

Pope Francis Recovering from Intestinal Surgery

Hospital Stay

Pope Francis underwent a three-hour intestinal surgery on Wednesday and is currently recovering. The 86-year-old pontiff is resting in the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. His condition is said to be stable, and he is expected to be discharged soon.

Mild Flu

Prior to the surgery, Pope Francis had been suffering from a mild flu. He postponed some meetings as he recovered. It is believed that the flu may have weakened his immune system and contributed to the need for surgery.

Respiratory Issues

In the past, Pope Francis has also experienced respiratory issues, including a pulmonary inflammation that caused breathing difficulties. However, his current condition is not related to any previous health problems.

Support and Prayers

Catholics around the world are offering prayers and support for Pope Francis. They are praying for a speedy recovery and for his continued strength and guidance.

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